

amahle travel

We believe that all travel should have a positive economic, environmental and social impact. So we create unique, customized experiences around particular causes and projects, combining traditional tourism with cultural immersion and purpose.

A Chinese proverb says:

“Tell me, and I’ll forget. Show me, and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand.”

Mindful of this, we align your chosen interests with relevant community projects so that you’re able to experience the people and places yourself and intimately feel the impact of your support.

We have guided clients through East and Southern Africa, India, Latin America and the Middle East.



amahle invest

More and more, the idea of social investment is being taken up by the private sector. No longer the sole responsibility of government, it is businesses and individuals that want to do well by doing good.

We match these good intentions and philanthropic interests with appropriately aligned opportunities. Working with asset management firms, we identify viable community development programs and sustainable businesses in developing countries. These opportunities are integrated into clients’ portfolios as part of their long-term investment strategy.

For more information on Amahle Invest, please contact

"You make such a difference in the world! Our week together in Uganda and Tanzania was priceless! You help people see how one person can make a difference...and I am so grateful for that."
- Michele – President, Corporate Foundation